What can you do to reduce your greenhouse gas emissions?

First, read these two papers:

Eskander & Fankhauser (2020) NCC.pdf


Then answer the following question:

A) Why are some climate laws more effective than others? Please use specific examples using other references / sources to strengthen your response. Then, read the textbook and / or slides. Then answer the following question:

B) What can you do to reduce your greenhouse gas emissions? Once again, try finding some real world examples, either at country or regional or firm level, to make your response better.
Finally, think about an example of recent laws and answer this question:

C) Can you give an example of a law that does not directly target climate change but indirectly has an impact?Use the case of "Inflation reduction act 2022" by the US. A short read is available here: https://climate-laws.org/geographies/united-states-of-america/laws/inflation-reduction-act