What were some of the unwritten social rules you became aware of as a result of this experience, either in the other culture or in your own?

Answer the following questions. Each answer should be at least 1 paragraph in length.

Define the main 4 subfields of anthropology and give an example for each field of a sample topic that would be studied and 1 way in which that field of study could be applied to solve a real-world problem.

From the Prezi slideshow, “This is Anthropology,” give 2 examples of current work being done by USF anthropologists and students that interested you (explain the work they are doing and what it is about).

Describe 3 rituals practiced by the Nacirema in Miner’s article. Based on Miner’s description of the Nacirema culture, what values are important to people in this society? How does this compare to your own experience in your society?

What are the four “images of thought” described by Deleuze in the “English Preface” reading of Difference and Repetition?

Explain the main point of the video on “movement.” Do you think this is helpful for understanding the world? How do you think you could apply this to everyday life (e.g., thinking about other classes you’ve taken)?

Briefly describe a significant cross-cultural experience you have had, either in traveling or in other interaction with a culture or sub-culture other than your own.

What were some of the unwritten social rules you became aware of as a result of this experience, either in the other culture or in your own?