Describe three causes of population bottlenecks and the implications they would have on the species involved.

Module 15 GENETIC / Behavioral Disorders

Review these websites:

1. Explain factors that have made our understanding of the genetic and environmental
components to autism so challenging.

2. Case Study: Bob and Will are monozygotic (identical) twins. They are 18 years old and in their first year at the liberal arts college that their parents attended.

They have always been excellent students. Bob plans to study law and wants to work with international corporations. Will is more interested in studying business and directing those corporations. Both Bob and Will have been experimenting with drugs at college.

In the last month or so, Bob’s work has fallen off. He has not been completing assignments at his usual high level of quality.

His thoughts seem to have become disorganized, and he mentions to Will that he has been hearing voices telling him that he should abandon school because the administration is working for an unfriendly foreign government.

After much difficulty, Bob is diagnosed with schizophrenia.
1. What is Will’s risk of schizophrenia?
2. Would Will benefit from talking with a genetic counselor?
3. Should Will have genetic testing to see if he will get schizophrenia?

3. Describe three causes of population bottlenecks and the implications they would have on the species involved.