What you have learned about biblical theology as the theological foundation for ministry.



In this course, you will complete two interrelated and interdependent assignments in which you map out your pre-course understanding of biblical theology and then compare that understanding with your end-of-course understanding of biblical theology. In these two exercises, you will reflect on and assess:

• What theological ideas/commitments you came into this course with.

• What you have learned about biblical theology as the theological foundation for ministry.

• Where your previous understandings have been altered, challenged, or reinforced by your study of biblical theology in this course.

• What implications this study experience will have on the way you approach ministry going forward.

The first part of the exercise, Biblical Theology Map Assignment, is to map out your current understanding of biblical theology; that is, the understanding of biblical theology with which you came into the course. Write from a Christian black evangelical conservative perspective.

Think of the exercise as unpacking and repacking bags for a journey. We all come to theological studies and ministry with theological “baggage” (ideas, assumptions, commitments) that influence and shape our understandings and practice.

Sometimes, that baggage is there because we chose it and put it there. Sometimes, that baggage is there because someone said: “This is important Be sure to take this with you.” And so, we sometimes carry ideas, understandings, assumptions in our theological baggage that we did not know were there, or if we did, why they are there and who put them there.

This first exercise is intended to help you “unpack that baggage,” take out the “stuff” you have been carrying around with you and examine it for yourself.

There will likely be surprises:In any case, you will profit from examining the theological baggage you have been carrying around with you.