Why do you believe David chose this subject to present to a contemporary French audience?

Art History

Watch/Read by following links below and respond to the following:

1) What were the ideals on which Neoclassicism were based? What was the tradition it continued? What are the characterizations of Neoclassical Art?

2) What is the theme/message of the Roman Myth of the Oath of the Horatii? Why do you believe David chose this subject to present to a contemporary French audience?

3) What was Ingres’s inspiration for his Apotheosis of Homer?

Neoclassicism, an introduction https://smarthistory.org/neoclassicism-an-introduction/

Jacques Louis David’s The Oath of the Horatii https://smarthistory.org/jacques-louis-david-oath-of-the-horatii/

Jacques Louis David’s Death of Marat https://smarthistory.org/jacques-louis-david-the-death-of-marat/

Ingres, Apotheosis of Homer https://smarthistory.org/ingres-apotheosis-of-homer/


Read/watch and answer the following:

1) In Gericault’s Raft of the Medusa video the narrators discuss the ways in which the painting tells the story of the failure of the ideals promoted by the Enlightenment and of the reinstated monarchy in 1814. Explain what this means using specific elements of the painting (subject, style, color, organization of figures, etc.)

2) In the video on Goya’s The Third of May, 1808, the narrators discuss the formal properties of the painting. Choose three of these formal properties and describe them in the context of what we have learned about the Romanticist movement in art.

3) What is the subject of Goya’s The Third of May, 1808 and explain how it is can be viewed as a symbol of Spanish nationalism.

4) Explain the concept of the anti-hero and how it is expressed by Goya in this painting. Can you think of an example of a contemporary “anti-hero” from film, comic book or graphic novel? If so, explain.

5) How does Goya use Christian Iconography in this painting? Why does he use it? Is it effective?

6) Which two artists were influenced by Goya? Please be specific in your answer and explain why/how?

7) What is the subject of The Slave Ship? How has Turner used color and brushstroke to convey emotion and drama in the way he depicts the subject?

Romanticism https://smarthistory.org/romanticism-in-france/

Theodore Gericault, Raft of the Medusa https://smarthistory.org/theodore-gericault-raft-of-the-medusa/

Francisco Goya, The Third of May, 1808 https://smarthistory.org/goya-third-of-may-1808/

JMW Turner, The Slave Ship https://smarthistory.org/j-m-w-turner-slave-ship/