What are the three (3) main injection routes for parenteral administration of contrast media?

Skeletal and Systems Radiography

Assignment 1 Contrast Media = 30 points

1. Define each term and describe how it relates to radiographic contrast media.
(7 points)

a) extravasation

b) urticaria

c) dysrhythmia

d) paramagnetic

e) carrier molecule

f) flocculation

g) hydrophilic

2. Draw a diagram that illustrates the following chemical configurations of iodinebased contrast agents. (4 points)

a) ionic monomer
b) ionic dimer

c) nonionic monomer

d) nonionic dimer

3. How is water soluble contrast media excreted from the body? (1 point)

4. What are the three (3) main injection routes for parenteral administration of contrast media? (3 points)

5. Why might an oilbased contrast agent be used? (1 point)

6. Compare the osmolality of water soluble contrast media to the body’s osmolality. (3 points)

7. Contrast media is known to cause vasodilation. Describe the processes that lead to this result. (2 points)

 8. Why is barium contraindicated in the case of GI perforation? (2 points)

9. What risks does iodine based contrast media present for patients with renal disease? (2 points)

10. True or False? If false, provide a brief explanation. (5 points)

a) Positive contrast agents are radiopaque
b) Barium Sulphate is soluble in water.

c) The higher the iodine concentration in contrast media the greater the risk of an adverse reaction.

d) Heating iodinebased contrast media to body temperature decreases viscosity.

e) Patients can be premedicated with steroids and antihistamines to reduce allergic reactions to contrast media.