Why is it important to understand the history of computers?


Digital revolution

(4 pts) What is the digital revolution and how has it impacted your everyday activities?

(2 pts) How is digital data represented?

(4 pts) What are some advantages of digital data representation?

(3 pts) What is data processing?

(8 pts) List and elaborate on the phases of the digital revolution.

(6 pts) What is convergence and what role does it play in cloud computing?

(6 pts) How are centralized computing and cloud computing similar?

(8 pts) Explain in your own words “Internet of Things” and list examples of IoT devices you encounter during your daily activities.

Hardware basics

(8 pts) What is the IPOS model? Describe each step in the process?

(9 pts) List and describe three different types of software.

(6 pts) What components comprise a simple circuit? Include a photo of each.

(4 pts) What is an integrated circuit? What components comprise an integrated circuit?

(6 pts) What are the features of a component system and a clamshell system?

(10 pts) Why is it important to understand the history of computers? Provide examples of each of the following mechanical computers, electromechanical computers, and early electronic computers?

(12 pts) Describe each of the following types of memory and how they have advanced modern computing.

Capacitor Memory

Cathode ray tube memory

Ferrite core memory

Semiconductor dynamic RAM

(4 pts) What are multimedia computers, what are the advantages and disadvantages of these devices?