Why should you choose Cybersecurity as a Career?

Offer Your Initial Thoughts

Your initial response this week must include the following information, which will allow your instructor and your peers to provide you with timely, effective feedback on your search strategies and possible sources:

Your research question-Why should you choose Cybersecurity as a Career?

A list of the keywords you used to search for sources?

The author, year of publication, and title for at least two possible sources the names of the databases in which the sources were found
your thoughts regarding whether these sources will ultimately work for your final paper (3-4 sentences)

Tarter, A. (2017). Importance of cyber security. In Community policing-A European perspective (pp. 213-230). Springer, Cham.
Untawale, T. (2021). Importance of cyber security in digital era. International Journal for Research in Applied Science and Engineering Technology, 9(8), 963-966.