Did watching the videos change or strengthen your opinion on the issue?


Watch the following TED Talk https://www.ted.com/talks/anne_milgram_why_smart_statistics_are_the_key_to_fighting_crime?utm_campaign=tedspread&utm_medium=referral&utm_source=tedcomshare

2. Watch the following TEDx Talk https://youtu.be/p-82YeUPQh0

3. Find a 3d Ted/x talk that addresses the issue presented in the assigned TED/x talks- it can agree, disagree, or be neutral, but must consider the same issue (Benefits of the use of AI/Algorithms in criminal justice reform).

After reviewing all 3 videos prepare a presentation that includes responses to the following.

A summary of TED Talk 1

A summary of TEDx Talk 2

A summary of TED/x Talk 3 (your selection)

Do you agree with TED Talk 1 Why or Why not?

Do you agree with TED/x Talk 2 Why or Why not?

Do you agree with TED/x Talk 3 Why or Why not?

Did watching the videos change or strengthen your opinion on the issue?

What impacted your opinion?

How do you propose changes be implemented? Be sure to provide support for your position.