Explain some of the key differences between the processing of cases in the juvenile justice system and the criminal justice system.

International Crime, Inmate Behavior and Inmate Rights, & Juvenile Justice

International Crime

Analyze the difficulties in dealing with international crimes.

How do collaborations between different types of international criminal organizations, such as drug cartels and terrorists, as well as sites on the Dark Web make it even more difficult for law enforcement and intelligence agencies to combat such crime?

Do you think it will ever be possible to completely stop international criminal organizations? Why or why not?

Inmate Behavior and Inmate Rights

It can be challenging for correctional officers and other prison staff to control inmate behavior and minimize security threats while simultaneously protecting the rights of inmates.

Examine the difficulty in accomplishing these objectives by presenting two separate examples of situations in which inmates might perceive their rights have been violated, while prison staff are simply trying to fulfill their job duties to maintain a safe and secure environment.

Identity the rights potentially being violated in each of the examples you share.

Juvenile Justice

Explain some of the key differences between the processing of cases in the juvenile justice system and the criminal justice system.

Do you think the approach of the juvenile justice system in focusing on helping and rehabilitating juveniles is effective or should there be a more punitive approach? Explain your reasoning.