Identify a nursing theory and state the name of the theory and give references for the original and current work of the theorist and other authors writing about the theory.


Identify a nursing theory and state the name of the theory and give references for the original and current work of the theorist and other authors writing about the theory.

Address when was the theory written? What were some major factors of that time in the realm of nursing or the world that might have influenced the derivation of the theory? What is the historical evolution of the theory (has is morphed overtime)?

Describe the theory in your own words. What areas of concern or problems are identified or addressed by the theory?


What approach to the development of knowledge does the theory exemplify? (Explain whether it is induction, deduction, or retroduction. Give evidence for your judgment.)

What are the major concepts of the theory? How are they defined (Theoretically or Operationally? Is the author consistent in the use of terms?


Clarity: How well did you understand the theory – Is it lucid and consistent? Or disconnected and leaving you feeling like there is more to know/learn.


How does this theory lead to nursing actions that make important differences in health Status or your patient?

Describe how you would use the theory in a clinical situation.