What can you learn about the competitor’s strengths and weaknesses to help understand your company’s business advantage?

Week 2 Activity – Social Listening


Select a business that you will use in Weeks 2 and 4 activities and Weeks 6, 8, and 10 assignments to apply social media marketing strategies. You are encouraged to use a real business or organization in order to gain practice providing these services, but you may also use the fictional business, Colonized Coffee.

Section 1: Social Listening Analysis

Create a 2–3 page paper in which you will cover the following:
1. Summarize the primary intelligence gained by conducting a social listening analysis on social media for your selected business, using the five stages of social listening listed below.

Use social media networks such as Facebook Instagram, YouTube, Pinterest, and Twitter to find this information. This helps to determine a company’s target audience and where you can find them.

-Listen to conversations about a company.

-Listen to conversations about the company’s competitors.

-Listen to conversations about the industry.

-Listen to the overall tone and style of the conversations.

-Listen and look for conversation in different social media networks.

2. Analyze the data to determine the most relevant information as it relates to the business of your choosing. Consider the questions below as a guideline.

-If you know what consumers are saying about a business, can this indicate a threat or opportunity?

-What can you learn about the competitor’s strengths and weaknesses to help understand your company’s business advantage?

-What are people talking about specific to this category overall? Are they interested in this category?

-Is there specific slang that is used? Who is engaging, and which brands are capturing most of the conversation?

-Are the conversations the same on different social media networks?

3. Develop three recommendations for this business’s social media marketing based on your analysis of this information. Provide a rationale for your response.