What is the strongest argument in favor of a new Constitution?

Answer question

Thomas Jefferson once said that every generation should write its own Constitution. While that might be an extreme view, ten or more generations have now passed without adopting a new Constitution.

Address each part of the prompt:

Should the United States call a new Constitutional Convention?

What is the strongest argument in favor of a new Constitution?

What is the strongest argument against a new Constitution?

If we had a new Constitution, what is the top thing that you would want to change?

Background Materials

1. OpenStax, Chapter 2 Links to an external site.. https://openstax.org/books/american-government-3e/pages/2-introduction

2. Clay S. Jenkinson, “Is it Time for a New Constitutional Convention? Links to an external site.” (Governing, July 2022).

3. National Constitution Center, “The Constitution Drafting Project. Links to an external site.”