Calculate the concentration of each of the following diluted solutions:


7.31 What is the difference between a 5% (m/m) glucose solution and a 5% (m/v) glucose solution?

7.33 Calculate the mass percent (m/m) for the solute in each of the following solutions:

25 g of KCl and 125 g of H2O

12 g of sugar in 225 g of tea solution with sugar

8.0 g of in 80.0 g of solution CaCl2

7.35 Calculate the mass/volume percent (m/v) for the solute in each of the following solutions:

75 g of in 250 mL of solution Na2SO4

39 g of sucrose in 355 mL of a carbonated drink

7.37 Calculate the grams or milliliters of solute needed to prepare the following solutions:

50.0 mL of a 5.0% (m/v) KCl solution

1250 mL of a 4.0% (m/v) NH4Cl solution

250. mL of a 10.0% (v/v) acetic acid solution

7.39 A mouthwash contains 22.5% (v/v) alcohol. If the bottle of mouthwash contains 355 mL, what is the volume, in milliliters, of alcohol?

7.41 A patient receives 100. mL of 20.% (m/v) mannitol solution every hour.

How many grams of mannitol are given in 1 h?

How many grams of mannitol does the patient receive in 12 h?

7.43 A patient needs 100. g of glucose in the next 12 h. How many liters of a 5% (m/v) glucose solution must be given?

7.45 Calculate the amount of solution (g or mL) that contains each of the following amounts of solute:

5.0 g of from a 25% (m/m) LiNO3 solution

40.0 g of KOH from a 10.0% (m/v) KOH solution

2.0 mL of formic acid from a 10.0% (v/v) formic acid solution

7.47 Calculate the molarity of each of the following solutions:

2.00 moles of glucose in 4.00 L of solution

4.00 g of KOH in 2.00 L of solution

5.85 g of NaCl in 400. mL of solution

7.49 Calculate the grams of solute needed to prepare each of the following solutions:

2.00 L of a 1.50 M NaOH solution

4.00 L of a 0.200 M KCl solution

25.0 mL of a 6.00 M HCl solution

7.51 What volume is needed to obtain each of the following amounts of solute?

liters of a 2.00 M KBr solution to obtain 3.00 moles

of KBr

liters of a 1.50 M NaCl solution to obtain 15.0 moles of NaCl

milliliters of a 0.800 M Ca(NO3)2 solution to obtain 0.0500 mole of Ca(NO3)2

7.53 To make tomato soup, you add one can of water to the condensed soup. Why is this a dilution?

7.55 Calculate the concentration of each of the following diluted solutions:

2.0 L of a 6.0 M HCl solution is added to water so that the

final volume is 6.0 L.

Water is added to 0.50 L of a 12 M NaOH solution to make 3.0 L of a diluted NaOH solution.

A 10.0-mL sample of a 25% (m/v) KOH solution is diluted with water so that the final volume is 100.0 mL.

A 50.0-mL sample of a 15% (m/v) H2SO4 solution is

added to water to give a final volume of 250 mL.

7.57 What is the volume, in milliliters, of each of the following

diluted solutions?

A 1.5 M HCl solution prepared from 20.0 mL of a 6.0 M

HCl solution




A 2.0% (m/v) LiCl solution prepared from 50.0 mL of a 10.0% (m/v) LiCl solution

A 0.500 M H3PO4 solution prepared from 50.0 mL of a 6.00 M H3PO4 solution

A 5.0% (m/v) glucose solution prepared from 75 mL of a 12% (m/v) glucose solution

7.59 Determine the volume, in milliliters, required to prepare each of the following diluted solutions:

255 mL of a 0.200 M HNO3 solution from a 4.00 M HNO3 solution

715 mL of a 0.100 M MgCl2 solution using a 6.00 M MgCl2 solution 0.100 L of a 0.150 M KCl solution using an 8.00 M KCl solution