Population Growth, Social Darwinism and Eugenics
What are the arguments made IN FAVOR of controlling populations through sterilization? (Why are governments doing it? WHO are they doing it to, and why?)
Assessing everything you’ve learned in this week’s required readings and videos – and the issues that come with population growth – do you think governments should attempt to control populations through sterilization? Why or why not?
If not, what is a better way for governments to deal with overpopulation issues?
Should governments try to control fertility and population growth at all? Is population growth really a problem for economic development?
What are your thoughts on the population growth debate?
Eugenicist Movement in America: Victims Coming Forward
No Más Bebés: ICE Hysterectomy Scandal Recalls 1970s LA, When a Hospital Sterilized Chicana Patients
Peruvian women alleging forced sterilization seek justice
Inside an Indian Sterilization Camp