Do you think the team’s success depended on these processes? Why or why not?

Lumen Learning. (n.d.). Principles of management.

Module 6: Organizational Structures

Module 8: Groups, Teams, and Teamwork

Articles, Websites, and Videos:

This article discusses how emotional intelligence supports growth mindsets and leadership strengths and introduces the Balanced Behavioral Development Model.

Holmwood, T. (2019). Greater emotional intelligence is your key to superior team performance. Governance Directions, 71(4), 215.

This article guides you through ways to advance your team’s development using the stages of team development as a backdrop.

5 Stages of team development. (n.d.). Toggl.

In this article, descriptions of the seven elements of a high-performance team are discussed in detail.

Bendaly, N. (2018). Sparking exceptional performance consistently across the organization: The 7 elements of a high-performance team. Leadership Excellence, 35(10), 9–10.

This article is about organizational design and goes into detail about the process and building blocks. It explains organizational design in the 21st century.

Wienclaw, R. A. (2019). Organization design. Salem Press Encyclopedia.

In this video, Jacob Morgan reveals his top three tips for building high preforming and effective teams.

Supplemental Resources:

This article discusses some of the best practices for effective teambuilding while working in a remote setting.

Clément, T. (2020). Remote work: 5 best practices for effective teambuilding. Newstex.


Research a team that you consider successful. It could be a sports or project team that you were a part of, a professional sports team, or a business team. You MUST cite the team you’ve researched in your post.

First, describe what made the team effective making connections to this week’s reading materials.

Did your team have some, or all of the key characteristics of effective teams covered in your reading? Provide examples of those shown, and reasons you believe for those not shown.

Describe the processes in how the team set goals and choose its members.

Do you think the team’s success depended on these processes?
Why or why not?