Why are pregnant women advised to take folic acid supplements?

Child Growth and Development

Exam 1 Review

Chapter 1 (29 points)

Definitions – nature, nurture, naturalistic observation studies, shaping, positive reinforcement, and time out

Know the purpose of human development theories.

Know about Gesell, Bandura, Freud, Erikson, and Vygotsky’s theories of development.

Know that Behaviorism and Learning Theory are the same.

Be able to identify examples of classical and operant conditioning.

Be able to identify the conditioned and unconditioned responses for classical conditioning examples.

Know what is in the text about the most effective way for teachers to increase appropriate behavior and decrease disruptive behavior.

Know what cognitive theorist study.

Know how assimilation and accommodation work according to Piaget.

Know about the ethical considerations of conducting research with human subjects.

Know about awareness of diversity with young children.

Know about the different types of research studies.

Chapter 2 (18 points)

Definitions – monozygotic twins, dizygotic twins, carriers, phenotype, heredity, chromosomes, genetic counseling, amniocentesis, and conception

Know about genes inherited from parents.

What traits are influenced by your genetics?

Chapter 3 (25 points)

Definitions – zygote, teratogens, fetal alcohol effect, fetal alcohol syndrome, cephalocaudal, and proximodistal

Know the major events that happen at each stage of prenatal development.

What is the purpose of ammonic fluid?

Know about prenatal activity and movement and later activity level.

When during prenatal development is the developing infant most at risk to teratogens?

What does the zygote do before implantation?

Before implantation, how are the developing cells nourished?

How is the fetus connected to the placenta? How is the mother connected to the placenta?

How is HIV transmitted to a new born?

Why are pregnant women advised to take folic acid supplements?

Know the impact of smoking, lead, radiation, and maternal stress on prenatal development.

Chapter 4 (28 points)

Definitions: efface, dilate, Braxton-Hicks contractions, crowning, epidural, Lamaze, C-section, postpartum blues, postpartum depression, and postpartum psychosis

Know what happens during the stage of childbirth.

Know about parents and care of preterm infants.

Know about the research on parental interaction with infant in the first few hours after birth.

Know what the Apgar is and what it assesses.

Know what reflexes are and know the typical reflexes that newborn infants have.

What tastes do infants prefer?

Be able to identify examples of classical and operant conditioning in infants.

What is the purpose of infant crying?

What is the best way to respond to crying?

What do we know about Sudden Infant Death Syndrome?