Identify a nursing intervention and formulate a question based on this you may choose your personal synopsis diabetics/copd etc .

An annotated bibliography

Only primary research should be used in all three papers.

Part 1 – Identify a nursing intervention and formulate a question based on this you may choose your personal synopsis diabetics/copd etc .

Part 2 – Using an appropriate search strategy locate 3 evidence primary research papers from appropriate databases that discuss your intervention, this must be primary research and ideally within the last ten years.

Part 3 – Using a critical appraisal analysis tool of your choice, critically appraise the 3 papers you have found and prepare 3 annotated bibliographies for each of these. Ensure ethics are explored and any barriers to the intervention you have chosen to critique.

Part 4 – Summarise your findings by developing key themes from your chosen papers

Part 5 – Identify the implications for practice