What are the main issues involved in assessing the practicality of an assessment instrument?


If the scores from part 1 of Application 5.3.1 were the scores of a class of graduate students in counseling who took a national test of depression, and if the mean of the test nationally were 7, how might you feel if you scored a 17 on this test?

Describe the relationship between how a person does on a test, compared to a national mean and standard deviation, and how a person might feel about their score.

For example, if one had a history of major depression and scored a 15 on the test just discussed, how might their interpretation of their score differ from an individual who has never dealt with depression and receives a score of 15?

How might you show content validity for a test that measures anxiety?

Discuss the difference between test-retest and alternate/parallel/equivalent forms of reliability. What are the pitfalls of each?

Why might there be differences among cultural groups on their ability scores?

Discuss ways in which such differences could be ameliorated.

What are the main issues involved in assessing the practicality of an assessment instrument?