How is a larger form constructed from small ideas in music?

1.) Fill in the blank


Binary Form  –  Ternary Form  –  Motive  –  Theme  –  Movements  –

Call and Response  –  Sequence  –  Ostinato  

Type or copy/paste the term from the list above that correctly fits in the blank for each statement:

A(n) is the repetition of a short melodic, rhythmic, or harmonic pattern.

b .  A-B describes .

A formal style known as is used in early Western Church music, as well as the music of African, Native American, and African American cultures.

Large-scale compositions, such as symphonies and sonatas, are divided into sections, or .

2.)  Answer the following questions (4 sentences per question, minimum).

Why do composers need to think about form in music?

How is a larger form constructed from small ideas in music?