Organize and develop artistic ideas and work.

Analisys of Massachusetts Curriculum Framework

Cluster 1: Creating art with artistic intent.

Artistically literate students generate, organize, and refine artistic ideas using a variety of strategies and tools to serve an intended purpose for their artistic work.

Practice 1. Generate and conceptualize artistic ideas and work. Through exploration, students generate a wide variety of innovative ideas while expanding the boundaries of connection, style, genre, or medium.

Practice 2. Organize and develop artistic ideas and work. Using a myriad of tools (e.g., brainstorms, sketches, outlines), students plan and organize their ideas to best support their artistic intent.

Practice 3. Refine and complete artistic work. Through a variety of strategies (e.g., teacher or peer feedback, exploration, research, self-reflection), students conceive and revise their artistic ideas to better express, evoke, or communicate their artistic intent.