Discuss the protective equipment that should be employed by first responders in contending with the selected agent.

Most Probable Hazardous Agent & Protective Measures – Week 8:Course Objectives: 3,4,7,8,9,10

Utilizing the journal databases accessible via the University Library and at the Emergency and Disaster Management Program Guide:

Research and select a Nuclear, a Chemical, a Biological, or a Radiological agent or a Toxin that you believe is the most probable specific threat to the United States, in terms of our nation’s assessed vulnerabilities as you see them.

Provide a clear, detailed and overarching examination of your selection that demonstrates your scholarly understanding of the threat posed by the selected agent.

At a minimum you are to discuss and expound upon the following in the form of a clear, organized and cohesive narrative:

Discuss which class of WMD – Nuclear, Radiological, Chemical, Biological, or Toxins concern you the most as potential weapons of terror and why.

State the name of the specific agent and describe its historical development.

Describe the physical/chemical/biological properties of the agent.

Discuss the harmful impact of the agent identify its mechanism of action  how does it do damage?

Postulate the means / methods by which you believe attacks could be carried out against the United States.

Discuss the protective equipment that should be employed by first responders in contending with the selected agent.

Commercially available detection devices (a minimum of two) that could be used to detect the agent by Consequence Management responding agencies.

List any treaty/policies covering the agent and or prohibiting or controlling its availability or use.

State your perspective of the nation’s current ability to prepare against the use of, or to mitigate the impact of the effects of the agent’s use.

Research and investigation beyond those materials indicated in the course-ware will be required.