Correct the underlined phrases or words, and then rewrite the whole sentence in the provided space.

Q1- Some of the following lists in the table are consistent (parallel) and some of them are inconsistent (nonparallel). First, tick (C) if the list is consistent and (IN) if the list is inconsistent. Second, justify your answer.

Lists C IN Justification




























Turn on the ignition.

Release the emergency brake.

Put the car in drive






Q2- Correct the underlined phrases or words, and then rewrite the whole sentence in the provided space.

1- Most professional technical writers produce two types of documentation plans: a brief overview of the project, and a detailed description of the target audience.


2- When a sentence holds multiple thoughts, you should divide the sentence into multiple sentences, or use which immediately after a comma.


3- A project cover letter is a letter that effectively protects the file from dust.



4- In the abstract section of a lab report, we identify the purpose of the experiment.


5- A comma signals an introduction of a list, table, or figure.


6- In business proposals, the purpose of low-level technical specs is only to explain the work to be done.


7- The materials section of a lab report gives the names of the research team.


8- Numbered lists describe events that must happen in a random order.


9- A caption is a line that separates columns or rows.


10- Q-and-A documents are written to be read freely.


11- In the conclusion of a lab report, the technical writer should thank the readers for their time.


12- The significance statement is to provide a good introductory paragraph about your experiment.


13- We use colons to connect two closely related, complete sentences.


14- We place a period after an acronym.


15- Multiple words will be enough instead of using fluffy phrases.
