Discuss the placement of apparatus to include the variations between offensive and defensive mode of operation and the consideration of utilizing master streams.


Submit a picture or pictures of an occupancy from your community.

Provide an overview of the building including the information from the COAL WAS WEALTH process, a basic description of the building construction, and how heat transfer would apply to this building.

Choose three options from the strategies discussed in the textbook or unit video (offensive, offensive-defensive, defensive-offensive, indirect method of attack, defensive, no attack or nonintervention, and SLICE-RS) that might be considered in a fire at this location.

Answer the following questions regarding your chosen strategic modes of operation.

In the event of a working structure fire in this building, outline the factors involved in selecting a strategic mode of operation.

Describe the conditions that must be present to utilize each mode.

How does response time factor in to each of your options?

How will on-scene prioritizing be accomplished in each option?

Discuss the placement of apparatus to include the variations between offensive and defensive mode of operation and the consideration of utilizing master streams.

Explain life safety concerns and personnel accountability in each of your chosen modes of operation and the hazards specific to the building you submitted.