How do biological and social factors interact in this story to contribute to the family’s current needs?

Select TWO of the Case Studies below and answer the questions with that case.

Caroline Sanders as a Transgender Young Adult

Caroline accomplished milestones that heteronormative teenagers and young adults usually accomplish earlier, such as getting a bank account, learning to drive, and living outside her parent’s home. What factors might have influenced the timing of these milestones for Caroline?

What strides is Caroline making on the developmental task of intimacy versus isolation?

How is Caroline’s physical transformation affecting other dimensions of her life?

 Sheila Henderson’s Long-Awaited Family Reunification

How do biological and social factors interact in this story to contribute to the family’s current needs?

How can Erikson’s young adulthood stage development task of “intimacy versus isolation” be fulfilled by current military personnel frequently deployed overseas?

What are the challenges, and how have the military and/or other societal institutions responded to these challenges?

Jonathan Stuart and Kai Hale as Older Parents of Twins

Compared to parents in young adulthood, what social, emotional, physical, and financial advantages and disadvantages might Jonathan and Kai face as “older parents” to their twins?

Same-sex couples experience many stressors in their life. How might these stressors change once Jonathan and Kai become parents?

How might Jonathan and Kai’s roles in their relationship, family, work, and so on change once they become parents?Description: Wendy Troxel argues that teens don’t get enough sleep, and it’s not because of Snapchat, social lives or hormones it’s because of public policy Required Texts

Primary Textbook/required for references/citations
Hutchinson, E. D. & Contributors (2019). Dimensions of human behavior: The changing
life course (6th Ed.). Sage Publications. ISBN-13: 978-1544339344
Supporting Textbook
Hutchison, E. D. & Contributors (2019). Dimensions of Human Behavior: Person and
Environment (6th Ed.). Sage Publications. ISBN-13: 978-1544339290
Recommended Texts and Other Material
American Psychological Association (2020). Publication manual of the American
Psychological Association (7th Ed.). APA. Alcohol’s Effect on Teenage Brain