What did you learn about the different types of nonverbal communication after reflecting on your observations?

Written in essay format, with an introductory and concluding paragraph.

1. Go to a public place (the mall, fast food restaurant, library) and observe for at least 1 hour.consider the following types of nonverbal communication:

body orientation
face and eye,
voice (paralanguage)
proxemics, and
personal appearance.

OR, if due to the pandemic you are uncomfortable going to a public place and do not feel you can do so safely, then you may instead watch a movie or video, one hour in length, and complete the same assignment.

2. Summarize your observations or the video watched, noting what type of nonverbal communication is being observed in parenthesis, and using the information presented to reflect on your experience. Explain clearly what you observed.

3. At a minimum, address the following questions

Discuss which type of nonverbal communication provides the most revealing and helpful information? Fully explain and support your answer.

Discuss which type of nonverbal communication you believe is misread and misinterpreted most often? Explain.

What generalizations (age, gender, culture, etc.) can you draw regarding nonverbal communication?

What did you learn about the different types of nonverbal communication after reflecting on your observations?