Describe at least three methods used to provide culturally sensitive counseling and  psychotherapy to ethnic minorities.

Answer a total of (10) questions with at least (1) question from each chapter

Chapter 1

1)Describe 4 out of the 6 ways the term culture is used in everyday language (Kroeber & Kluckholn, 1952; Berry, Poortinga, Segal, & Dasen, 1992). Give the definition and specific examples for each.

2)Describe the 5 levels of the Biopsychosocial model and how behavior is explained at each of these levels.

3)Define Multicultural Psychology and explain how it differs from traditional psychology.

Chapter 3

4)Discuss how different groups vary according to the Kluckhohn and Strodtbeck value orientation model where time focus, human activity, social relations, and people/nature relationship are presented.

5)Discuss the Sue worldview model of locus of control and locus of responsibility.

6)Discuss how different worldviews can lead people to markedly different conclusions about things such as poverty

7) describe the worldview of the following groups: a) Ethnic minorities b)women
c)Lesbian,Gay, and bisexual individuals

Chapter 4

8)Discuss some common conversational rule violations. What rules do these violate?

9)Discuss the differences among proxemics, kinesics, and paralanguage.

10)What kinds of conversational rules are in effect when many African Americans converse with White Americans?

Chapter 5

11)Compare and contrast the experiences of immigrants and refugees. Describe at least
three specific similarities and/or differences.

12)Describe the four statuses of Berry’s Model of Acculturation.

13)Using Bronfenbrenner’s (1979) model, describe possible stressors that immigrants and
refugees might experience at each of the levels.

Chapter 6

14)How do aspects of attribution theory relate to issues of racism?

15)What is stereotype threat? How might stereotype threat be applicable to you?

16)How might the governmental response to Hurricane Katrina be understood within Ridley’s overt and covert racism model?

17)Discuss White privilege. Apply concepts of White privilege to any other kind of privilege that those in power enjoy.

Chapter 7

18)Apply one of the identity developments to your own experiences. Be sure to  describe each stage and provide example(s) of each stage from your personal  experience.

19)Explain the Tripartite Tripartite Model of Personal Identity and include each circle that makes up this model.

Chapter 9)

20)Describe at least three different ways that culture influences mental health.

21)Explain the barriers to mental health treatment of ethnic minorities described by Sue
& Sue (2003). Give specific examples of each one.

22)Describe at least three methods used to provide culturally sensitive counseling and  psychotherapy to ethnic minorities.