Identify a theory that may be appropriate to explain the behavior and which can then be used as the basis for an intervention to increase their physical activity level among female students on your campus.

Homework: Choosing a Theory

Think about the possible causes for the low level of physical activity among female students on your campus (North Carolina Central University) . In your discussion, take into account the ethnic diversity of your small group, as well as that of the student population on your campus in general. (FYI this is a HBCU-Historically Black College & University)

Identify a theory that may be appropriate to explain the behavior and which can then be used as the basis for an intervention to increase their physical activity level among female students on your campus.

Use the selecting a theory diagram below if needed, Social Cognitive Theory, The Transtheoretical Model/Stages of Change, the Health Belief Model, and the Theory of Planned Behavior.

Choose a Theory:

Provide a rationale for why you made this choice.

Selecting a Theory Diagram

Remember: All theories will work for most situations. Just select the one you think that best fit your situation. Understand the theory (know each construct) and apply it to your situation.
Social Cognitive Theory

Transtheoretical Model/Stages of Change

Health Belief Model

Theory of Planned Behavior.