What are the ethically significant harms that may result from emerging technologies such as blockchain technology, artificial intelligence, and machine learning?

Part 6: Ethics In Cybersecurity

Part 6

Ethical issues are at the core of what we do as cybersecurity professionals.

Think of the example of a cyber defender working in a hospital.

They are charged with securing the network, medical devices, and protecting sensitive personal health information from unauthorized disclosure.

They are not only protecting patient privacy but their health and perhaps even their lives.

Confidentiality, Integrity, Availability – the C-I-A triad and many other cybersecurity practices are increasingly at play in protecting citizens in all walks of life and in all sectors.

Thus, acting in an ethical manner, is one of the hallmarks of a cybersecurity professional.

o What are the ethically significant harms that may result from mass surveillance (including by government and corporations)?

o What are the ethically significant harms that may result from emerging technologies such as blockchain technology, artificial intelligence, and machine learning?