Why do you think that B Labs and B Corp certification has grown significantly since its founding in 2006, and especially in recent years?

You must include the following answers and analysis in your essay:

What is B Labs and what was the origin and motivation of the founders to create this organization?

What is a B Corp?

Briefly describe the key elements, process and focus of the B Lab certification process and the Impact Assessment

Why do you think that B Labs and B Corp certification has grown significantly since its founding in 2006, and especially in recent years?

What challenges do you think the B Corp movement might face, especially with larger companies becoming certified?

Why did Kristin Carroll believe that being a B Corp is so important to how Rescue Agency has been able to grow and expand its impact?READINGS:
REVIEW: B Corp website: https://bcorporation.net/
READ: How Athleta’s Purpose Shaped Its Response To The COVID-19 Crisis
Athleta (a Gap Company brand) talks about their response to COVID and how their B Corps
certification guided them
READ the article below called: B Corps: 6 Reasons to Become One and Make a Global Difference
which is on the Rubicon website. Rubicon is a global leader in smart waste and recycling
solutions and an early member of B Corps.
B Corps: 6 Reasons to Become One and Make a Global Difference

Also watch the brief video What We Stand For embedded in this Rubicon article. Their Head
of Sustainability talks about the benefits of Rubicon being a B Corp




