Explain why you included each legal consideration in the design brief and proposal.

Data analytics question

View the instructions below and fill out the blank boxes in the rest of the pdf  provided on the documents below, read the other document below


In this project, you will demonstrate your mastery of the following competencies:

Apply fundamental project management practices in the design process.

Evaluate designs to determine adherence to the responsibilities, principles, and practices of design.


You are a beginner freelance graphic designer and have been hired by a California-based nonprofit organization heading up a global clean water initiative. The organization is opening three satellite offices in Vietnam, Nigeria, and Mexico. As part of a larger marketing campaign, the organization would like you to design a flyer for one of these locations. The flyer will be distributed throughout the community to increase awareness of the initiative and encourage members of the community to volunteer.

For the purposes of this project, you have been provided with a Design Specifications document that includes the company vision, copy for the call-to-action flyer, and additional design specifications.

You will choose one of the three satellite office locations and research the country to create a profile of the target audience.

Then, using your research and the information provided in the Design Specifications document, you will create a design brief and proposal as well as a mock-up of your flyer.

You will also provide a justification for your project’s legal considerations and explain how you applied your target audience research to your flyer mock-up.


Part 2: Generic terms and conditions, but also cite everything there or make it original, but don’t half-ass it!

Part 3: Justification: After you have implemented the instructor feedback for your design brief and proposal and completed your mock-up, draft a justification in the final section of the Project Two Template.

Explain why you included each legal consideration in the design brief and proposal.

Explain how you applied your target audience research to your flyer design.

how to cite: https://libguides.snhu.edu/mla