Does the company have a system in place to monitor and enforce ethical standards?

Your final assignment is to find a company (can be a local or national company, or, if you are an entrepreneur you can use your company) and interview the owner or top management (or research the company ) to be able to answer the following questions:

Does the company have a moral philosophy?

If so, how is that philosophy conveyed to employees and other stakeholders of the company?
If not, why?

Does the company have an ethics program?

If so, what processes are in place to encourage ethical behavior from supervisors and their direct reports?

If not, what would your recommendation be to them about setting one up? What would an ethics program for them look like?

How does their leadership (or lack thereof) in the company influence the ethical behavior of their employees?

Considering factors such as ethical issue intensity, individual factors, organizational factors, and company culture, what opportunities exist in the company that leaves it open to unethical behavior? Are there any opportunities that promote ethical behavior?

Are there any competition, consumer protection, or safety-type laws that pertain to the company?

Does the company have a system in place to monitor and enforce ethical standards?

If so, describe it and it’s effectiveness for the company.

If not, what would your design for a system for them be comprised of?

Does the company have international clients?

If so, are there any ethical cultural differences that influence the company’s business decisions?
If not, describe the global principles for ethical business conduct.