Nicomachean Ethics
Note: This OD is based on the Aristotle reading (Nicomachean Ethics, Book1 & Book 2) from your Cahn text (pp. 275-290).
Based on Book 1 of the Nicomachean Ethics, what does Aristotle mean by good? What does Aristotle say is the chief good (best or highest good)? Why can’t this chief good consist in pleasure? Why can’t this chief good consist in money? Why can’t this chief good consist in honor or in fame? In what does this chief good then consist for Aristotle?
For Aristotle, what is the proper function of human life? Does that proper function consist in a life of nutrition and growth? Why so? Does that proper function consist in a life of sensation and perception? Why so?
Aristotle says in Book 2 of the Nicomachean Ethics that there are 2 kinds of virtue. What are these? Are these virtues innate or are they acquired? If acquired, how so for each kind of virtue?
Aristotle says that the virtue of character (or moral virtue) lies in the mean (NOT ‘MEANS’). What does Aristotle mean by mean? How does Aristotle relate this mean to happiness or eudaimonia? Is this mean the same for all? Why so? For Aristotle, is there a mean for every action and every passion? Why so?