How do you think the article helps us better understand the importance of child development for addressing the learning needs of children?

Social Skills and/or Emotional Development

Article Summaries

After reading the article, summarize the article in 2 or 3 type-written pages and include the following information:

Full bibliographic information that includes, author, title of the article, year in which the article was published, the journal or other source in which the article was published, and the page numbers.

A 1 or 2 paragraph detailed summary of the article:

What was the main point the article was trying to make?

How did this article address the topic area for the week?

A conclusion as to the importance of the article:

Why do you think the article was written, for what purpose?

How do you think the article helps us better understand the importance of child development for addressing the learning needs of children?

And/or how do you think the article helps us better understand child development for addressing intentional teaching?