Will you tell about your spouse’s connection with Networksx?

Discussion two cases

Case 1

You have a small healthcare consulting business. Company named HealthNet Insutance plans to acquire a new Web-base scheduling system, and has hired you to evaluate bids from vendors. Your spouse is a Director for one of the bidders, Networkx. She oversaw most of the writing for the bid, you read the bid, and you think it is excellent. The bid is about $750,000

Will you tell about your spouse’s connection with Networksx?

How will you position yourself?

Will you recommend Networksx to HealthNet Insurance?

Case 2

Case 3. You are a member of a team working on a computer-controlled crash-avoidance system for medical records management. You think the system has a flaw that could endanger your patient’s privacy and, possibly, health.

The project manager does not seem concerned and is excited about announcing completion of the project soon. The department’s bonus depends on it, too.
Are you obligated to do anything?