Describe a treatment modality to treat an individual who has fallen victim to addiction.

Wk3 synthesis

Part 1: Research the sources of a substance abuse problem utilizing either Psychoanalytic, Behaviorist, or Social Control Theory to explain how one might acquire the characteristics which would eventually lead to a lifetime of addiction.

Part 2: For your chosen source theory, create a prevention program using what you have learned from that theory.

Part 3: Utilizing your choice theory and the information from Chapter 8 in your text as well as at least 2 other sources; describe a treatment modality to treat an individual who has fallen victim to addiction. In the final discussion section for this paper, note what factors are preventable as well as what factors may be helpful for a person to overcome addiction.

Your summary section should include your own personal beliefs about the potential outcome for an addicted individual and what must occur in their lives in order to overcome addiction. See the Outline below for your paper:

Substance Abuse

Introduction to Substance Abuse and Addiction

Research on either psychoanalytic, Behavioral, or Social Control Theory as a source of addiction

Characteristics of an addicted person based on your theory

Description of a prevention program using what you have learned from the theory (How do we target at-risk individuals?)

Describe a treatment modality to treat an individual who has fallen victim to addiction. Include such issues as costs, social support, etc. Use the text and at least 2 other sources in your answer.

Discussion-note and discuss factors that are preventable as well as what factors may be helpful for a person to overcome addiction. (Can it happen, but how?)

Summary: personal beliefs about the potential outcome for an addicted individual and what must occur in their lives in order to overcome addiction.