What are you looking forward to in the near future (within the next year)?

Middle Adulthood Interview

For this assignment write 1 – 2 pages about someone in middle adulthood (30-60 yrs). If you do not know anyone in middle adulthood, complete the Middle Adulthood Autobiography. You will interview the subject then write an analysis of the interview.

Rules about the interview:

It can be done virtually (e.g. Zoom), in person, or over the phone. But it does need to be an interview. You cannot just e-mail the questions.

If possible, you should record the interview and then take notes later. This will allow you to feel more like you are having a real conversation rather than just typing while the other person talks.

You will need to make sure the subject has adequate language skills to carry on a conversation, even if they don’t fully understand all the questions.

For the interview, ask the following questions:

Describe a typical day.

What activities do you enjoy most?

What activities do you enjoy least?

Describe your best friend. What qualities does he/she have?

What is your greatest achievement thus far in life?

What is your greatest regret thus far in life?

What are you looking forward to in the near future (within the next year)?

What are you looking forward to in the far future (5, 10, or 20 years down the road)?

Note: You may need to tailor some of these questions to fit younger age groups more appropriately.