Given that pressure and/or in addition to that pressure-what are you most anxious about, when sharing your writing with others e.g. classmates and/or the teacher?

1. What are you most anxious about, when writing? For example, do you worry most about grammar and mechanics? About mechanics? About tie deadline? About page length? Why?

2. Given that pressure and/or in addition to that pressure, what are you most anxious about, when sharing your writing with others e.g. classmates and/or the teacher? For example, do you worry most about your audience thinking your ideas are stupid? About readers misunderstanding your argument? About your peers/ teacher judging you according to how well you write?

3. How are your answers to numbers 1 and 2 related? For example, does your anxiety about the deadline have anything to do with your anxiety about readers misunderstanding your argument? If so, how and/or why? You must start a thread before you can read and reply to other threads