What were two take aways you had from reading this article?

Application Discussion Board

This is your second application discussion board activity that is not part of the module points. As stated in the syllabus, you will have various discussion board activities that will be based on current events, analysis of scientific articles, podcast reflections and more in order to apply what you are learning in this class to your daily life. This discussion board is worth a total of 15 points and will go towards the application discussion board activities points category.

Once you have completed your reading, post a reply to this discussion board answering the following questions:

What were two take aways you had from reading this article? (2 pts)

What is a diatom? (2 pts)

How long have diatoms existed on Earth? (1 pts)

What is diatomaceous earth and how is it formed? (2 pts)

What are several reasons diatoms are so remarkable? (3 pts)

You will have to post your own reply before you can see what your peers have written.

Peer Replies (5 points)

Here is your chance to interact with your peers. Reply to your peers posts and let them know what you think of their answer. Do you agree? Do you disagree? WHY? respond to 2-3 of your peers posts. Make sure your responses are thoughtful and grounded in scientific evidence, part of the points for the peer replies will be based on the thoughtfulness of your response. Show your thought about it and debated both sides of this topic with yourself before replying to your peers