What are the significant differences between these projects’ overarching narratives of the nation’s founding?


For your Reflection Paper assignment, You will:

Read The 1619 Project and listen to its companion Podcast

Read The 1776 Report (Chapters 1-4)

Produce a one to two-page paper, which should include addressing the questions below. Your paper should also consider the materials (readings, videos, documents, etc.) presented throughout this course.

Do these projects differ in how they approach early American History? If yes, how?

What are the significant differences between these projects’ overarching narratives of the nation’s founding?

Do you agree or disagree with either project, as a whole or in part? If in part, specify which part(s).

Provide your overall assessment/critique of both projects.

Why do you think these projects sparked a nationwide debate about how we teach American History in this nation?