How did the “blood accusation” affect public images of the Jews and the history of Judaism in the Middle Ages?


Answer the following questions


Explain the historical roots and the most important features of the so-called “blood libel”. How did the “blood accusation” affect public images of the Jews and the history of Judaism in the Middle Ages? Illustrate with the help of at least one historical example illustrate and analyse the long-term effects of the “blood accusation” in the history of anti-Semitism.


Briefly discuss how the third “arena” of religious conflict addressed in Lloyd Steffen’s chapter (“Religion and Violence in Christian Traditions” in M. Jerryson [ed.] et al., The Oxford Handbook of Religion and Violence) can be illuminated and problematized in the light of the examples taken up in Karen L. King’s chapter (“Christianity and Torture”) from the same handbook.


Problematizing violence within religions in South Asia. When is it legitimate to use violence? Analyze and discuss examples from the older literature within for example: Hinduism and Jainism. Then discuss and exemplify how religion and politics are practiced in practice within Hindu nationalism. How is the violence legitimized (the example from Gujarat)? What distinguishes the arguments and positions of Hindu nationalism (from Hindu Nationalism: A Reader) from those discussed in the older religious literature of Hinduism (for ex in the Mahabharata) in terms of politics and violence? What common denominators or differences can be highlighted?


The Muslim minorities amount to 4.3 percent of the population in Burma/Myanmar. Usually, Buddhists and Muslims live there side by side in a peaceful manner. How and why did the perceptions there about the Muslim minorities change from 2012 onwards? What role did nationalist monks and their preaching play? What factors seem to have contributed to the outbreak of riots and violence? Try to compare the Burmese example with another case. (Refer primarily to Cheesman 2017; Foxeus 2022a, 2022b; Schissler, Walton, and Pyu Pyu Thi 2017).


Start from the course literature and problematize “Salafism”! Explain what the term means and how Salafists have interpreted Islam in different ways. How is it that Salafism has emerged? For example, explain the following questions: What goals do Salafists have? What methods are advocated to achieve the goals? What distinguishes Salafism from other interpretations of Islam? How do Salafists view the use of violence? Is Salafism a threat to democracy?

Jaffrelot, Christophe (red.), 2007. Hindu Nationalism: A Reader. Princeton: Princeton University Press.
Juergensmeyer, Mark, Kitts, Margo and Jerryson, Michael (red.), 2017. Violence and the World’s Religious Traditions: An Introduction. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Tillgänglig som e-bok på SUB.
King, Richard and John R. Hinnells, 2007. Religion and Violence in South Asia: Theory and Practice. London: Routledge.