How is risk management appropriately applied to the systems development life cycle (SDLC)?

System development

Consideration of security in the System Development Life Cycle is essential to implementing and integrating a comprehensive strategy for managing risk for all information technology assets in an organization.

Security activities should be physically and logically integrated into an organization’s SDLC policy and guidelines versus maintaining them in a separate, complementary document or security life cycle

The most effective way to accomplish the integration of security within the system development life cycle is to plan and implement a comprehensive risk management program.


Research and develop a well thought-out, graduate-level paper, of NO LESS than three (3) pages, which addresses the following:

What is risk management? (more than a simple one-paragraph definition)

How is risk management appropriately applied to the systems development life cycle (SDLC)?

When is risk management most appropriately integrated into the SDLC?

Identify three (3) risks that a systems analyst should be aware of or on the lookout for during the SDLC.

Provide a recommendation for each of the three risks that you have identified, in step 4, designed to mitigate that risk effecting the organization’s SDLC

Part 2: Senior management has been working for weeks to determine the best system changeover approach to use for the current salesforce management system under development. Time to implement the new system is drawing close and senior management has asked for your assistance.Tasks:Senior management has asked you to develop a presentation (use MS Word and not PowerPoint) that presents the risks, rewards, pros and cons, benefits, upsides, downsides, costs, etc., of using the following changeover approaches, which are being considered:

Direct cutover

Parallel operation

Pilot Operation

Phased Operation