Journal 4
Take your time reading the articles/book chapters. After reading the article and taking good notes so that you have thought about the material, you are ready to write your Journal entry.
Summarize the author’s topic what was this reading really about, in a nutshell? What are some of the main points in support of his/her argument? Paraphrase rather than quote use your own words. What did you find particularly interesting or insightful about the reading?
Is there anything you did not understand? Is there one line/a short sentence that really struck you as important? Length should be a few meaty paragraphs (around 500 words), more if you are inspired. This is like a mini essay, use paragraph form and proper sentences and grammar.
In one or two sentences, what is the topic /main argument/subject of the chapter/article?
What are three important points that you took away from the reading assignment? Select one or two points from the first third, one or two points from the second third, and the same from the last third of the reading. Use your own words, paraphrase, do not use quotes. Did you have any questions or parts that you didn’t understand?