What were Ravana’s primary motivations through the course of The Ramayana?

The Ramayana Questions

1) The Ramayana presents Rama as a god who temporarily takes the form of a human being. As the story unfolds, how does Rama come across as god like in other words, superhuman?

Discuss two examples of god-like qualities that are attributed to Rama. At what points in the story does Rama become especially forgetful of the fact that he is a god? How does that forgetfulness influence his behavior?

Draw on specific episodes in R. K. Narayan’s version of The Ramayana to answer the above questions.

2) What were Ravana’s primary motivations through the course of The Ramayana? What obstacles did he encounter? What strengths could he draw on as he pursued his goals, and what weaknesses led to his ultimate defeat?