Describe the complications that can result if the infection is left untreated.

Microorganism Profile

The Big Picture

As you progress through this course, you will acquire information in a sequential, topic-specific manner. Each topic will include information that is relevant to this assignment. For example, the knowledge you gain from the lesson on bacterial cell morphology will be applied to the first paragraph topic, Cell Morphology and Growth Requirements. Your answers are expected to include information from sources that go beyond the textbook or classroom.

Examples include peer-reviewed journal articles, interviews with clinicians who deal with microbes on a daily basis, personal experiences, and other reputable sources. You are expected to clearly understand the meaning of each topic before you construct your answer.

For example, you are expected to know the meaning of “epidemiology” and to understand the topics that are connected to it. Don’t forget to read and understand the rubric before you start. Refer to it often it will help guide you through the process.

Name of Microorganism:

Description of the Microorganism (week 1)

Write a paragraph describing your sure to include the type of organism (bacterial, viral, fungal, protozoa, helminth, etc), morphology (shape, arrangement , colony morphology if applicable), description of structure (gram result, type of nucleic acid or virion structure, spore type, etc if applicable) and also the type of microscope and/or stain you would use to view the organism.use proper scientific terminology and good grammar and sentence structure throughout this project.

Virulence Factors

Include a paragraph on the virulence factors the pathogen has and how they affect the host. enhance this with detailed explanations of the virulence factors and how they affect the host as you gain a better understanding of them throughout the semester.


Which innate and/or adaptive defenses protect us from infection by this bacterium?

Does this pathogen induce a specific type of immune response (example: delayed-type hypersensitivity)? If so, which one(s)?

Pathology (Infectious Disease Information)

What condition(s) or infectious disease(s) does it cause?

Which tissues or organs are affected, and how are they affected (for example, chronic TB is characterized by lung tubercles)?

Describe the complications that can result if the infection is left untreated.

Are these acute, chronic, or latent infections?

What organ system(s) does it infect?

Is it an opportunistic pathogen? If so, where is it normally found in the body?


Draw and label a diagram on how this organism is transmitted. Make sure you include the reservoirs of infection, any vectors if involved in transmission, the type of transmission, and portals of entry and exit.


Is there a childhood vaccine against this microbe? Name of vaccine

If so, when is it administered (the recommended schedule, including boosters if recommended)?

If the vaccine is not recommended during childhood, which at-risk group should get the vaccine, and when?

Describe the type of vaccine and how it works :

If there is no vaccine available, list at least three measures the can be implemented to prevent people from acquiring this infection.


Chemotherapeutic agents: antibiotic or antiviral etc. used to treat.

Mechanism of action for these chemotherapeutic agents.

Why is this agent efficacious against this particular organism ?

Additional therapeutic agents or practices.

If there is no treatment specific for your organism what measures are take?

Clinical relevance

Are there any MDR (multi-drug resistant) strains of this microorganism? If so, name the strain(s)

Is this strain a known healthcare-associated pathogen?

Which persons/procedures within a clinical or healthcare-assisted setting are particularly at risk

Which antibiotics are used against the multi-drug resistant strains? Be specific