What aspects of the example/artifact would you have your classmate change?

Do the following for coms artifact

First, upload the example or artifact that you will upload to showcase your teamwork skills. If it is a paper, you can upload the paper, photograph, PDF, etc. If it is a video, you can post the link.

Second, write a description of the example or artifact that you will use when you upload the example/artifact to Bravofolio. This description should be between 3-4 sentences.

Response to Group Member’s Post

After going through each classmates original post, reply to each member, separately, with answers to the following questions:

On a scale of 1-4 (1=ineffective; 2=somewhat ineffective; 3=somewhat effective; 4=very effective), rate the effectiveness with with the example/artifact illustrate the career readiness competency of teamwork.

What are the strengths of the example/artifact?

What are the weaknesses of the example/artifact?

What aspects of the example/artifact would you have your classmate keep?

What aspects of the example/artifact would you have your classmate change?