How do systemic, organizational, and cultural dynamics of religious institutions contribute to the abuse of spiritual authority and the perpetration of betrayal trauma?

Betrayal Trauma In Religious Institutions

Research Questions

1. What types of betrayal trauma may be felt by those associated with or involved in religious institutions?

2. What are the psychological, social, and economic impacts of betrayal trauma by religious institutions on individuals and communities?

3. How do different vulnerable populations experience betrayal trauma in religious institutions, and how does this impact their mental health and overall well-being?

4. Why are vulnerable groups susceptible to betrayal trauma by religious institutions?

5. To what extent do perpetrators of betrayal trauma in religious institutions face justice for their misdeeds?

6. How do power imbalances and gender dynamics contribute to the prevalence of betrayal trauma in religious institutions?

7. How do systemic, organizational, and cultural dynamics of religious institutions contribute to the abuse of spiritual authority and the perpetration of betrayal trauma?

8. What steps can be taken to increase perpetrator accountability and survivor justice in religious institutions where betrayal trauma has occurred?

9. What role do religious leaders and institutions play in providing emotional, social, and legal support to survivors of betrayal trauma?

10. What challenges do survivors of betrayal trauma face in seeking justice and support within religious institutions?