How would the change affect the organization’s external and internal change drivers?

Set out some key questions that might help to guide you in the future, to ensure that your rationale for change is clear to you and those who will be affected?

Response: Francisco

Some key questions that will help guide in the future by ensuring that rationale for change is clear are: Does the change align with the organization’s vision and mission statement? How would the change affect the organization’s external and internal change drivers?

A well-defined, distinctive, clear, concrete vision and mission statement enables an organization to compete and flourish in today’s market. Ensuring the change aligns with the organization’s vision, and mission statement is vital to the planning process.

It helps leaders determine if the change will meet the organization’s core values, goals, and objectives. Furthermore, the vision and mission statement is essential to the organization’s success and its customers, employees, and shareholders.

Managers must assess and evaluate an organization’s external and internal change drivers to ensure the change will be successful. Internal change drivers, such as poor leadership skills and poor employee training, originate from inside the organization and influence how change is implemented from within the organization.

According to our readings, change can fail due to the internal change drivers that drive the organization, such as employee performance, morale, and work-related stress resulting in high employee turnover (Palmer et al., 2022, p. 64).

Identifying and managing high employee turnover and low employee satisfaction is critical to managers as this issue can affect the organization’s retention rate, lower the morale and motivation of employees, and create a toxic culture that focuses more on earnings than its employees.

In contrast, external change drivers, such as customer demand, technology, and local, state, and federal regulations, are forces that are originated outside the organization but still influence how change is implemented. External drivers are essential to organizations because they identify the need for change by recognizing the necessity to adapt to evolving market demands and stay competitive.

Heiney, S. (2022, October 14). Leadership 3 C’s of change. Prescott LIVING Magazine.

Palmer, I., Dunford, R., & Buchanan, D. A. (2022). Managing organizational change: A multiple perspectives approach (4th ed.). McGraw Hill.