What is one thing you think the author should consider as he or she revises this essay?

By the end of Module 10, select three of your group members’ papers and, at a minimum, respond to the following questions:

What is the thing you like most about this essay? Be specific.

How does the author make his or her main assertion or thesis clear in the essay? Is there anything the author can do to make the topic statement clearer?

Which paragraphs do you think provide the most effective evidence to support the  topic statement? Why?

Which paragraphs do you think could be most improved? What could be done to make them stronger?

What is one thing you think the author should consider as he or she revises this essay? In other words, what would be the one most important revision you think the author should address? Why?

Did you notice any documentation or formatting issues? If so, what are they? If you see any errors, list some specific places the author needs to make changes