What has been the impact of the 19th Amendment on voting in America?

Introduction to American Government

Section I. Essay Directions:

Write on the following question, explaining your position as thoroughly and as completely as possible, using examples from notes and readings. Use your mind and take your time, in short, be brilliant! (20 total points) Remember that a detailed response is the key to a successful essay answer.

Essay Question: Compare the U.S. Constitution with the Articles of Confederation, describing each system’s governmental structure (see the number and types of “branches”). What were some of the strengths and weaknesses of each system, and, in your opinion, why was the Constitution eventually “chosen” over the Articles?

Section II. Identification:

Directions: Provide a definition for each term, and identify or explain the importance or significance of ten (10) of the following twelve (12) options:

Remember, tie your answer into the context of this course. (For instance, why do we care about these things in our study of American Government?) (10 X 5 points = 50 total points)

1. Unitary System vs. Confederal System

2. Concurrent Powers

3. Federalists vs. Anti-Federalists

4. Direct Democracy vs. Representational Democracy

5. Express (or, enumerated) powers vs. implied powers

6. Connecticut(or, Great) Compromise

7. Bill of Rights

8. Philadelphia Convention

9. 3/5ths Compromise (regarding representation in government)

10. Equal Rights Amendment

11. Full Faith and Credit Clause 12. de jure & de facto segregation

Section III. Short Answer:

Answer three (3) of the following four (4) options: Responses should be about a paragraph in length. (10 points each X 3 = 30 total points)

What was the Declaration of Independence? What exactly was it trying to do, and who was it addressed to? (You have a copy of this document in the back of your book).

What did the Civil Rights Act of 1964 seek to address?

What has been the impact of the 19th Amendment on voting in America?

What was the impact of the Voting Rights Act of 1965?